Couples Communication Worksheets for Strengthening Relationships

Global therapist shadow on beach. She offers free pdf communication worksheets for couples.

Are you stuck in a cycle of misalignment? Do you feel like every time you try to reach out, something goes wrong, something is misinterpreted and disconnection is left? Does your relationship feel like it has lost its fun,  spark, and meaning?

Are you going in circles with your partner, trying to figure out how to communicate without either of you ending up with hurt feelings or feeling misunderstood? There are some very straightforward communication exercises that can help you listen and be heard better.

Are you looking for some concrete materials to help you improve communication and understanding with your partner? Do you look for some worksheets to help direct you toward the inner work that will lead to outer change? I have compiled these PDFs for you to download and use as guides to help you focus on what you really want. 

To work with these worksheets and be effective, you must start with curiosity. Try to see things from another perspective. I know it is scary to be rejected and keep on trying. You each have been rejecting the other in a way and are both hurting. Life together can be so beautiful if you go for it. Be vulnerable. Look for the yes. Look for the positive. Choose NOT to focus on the negatives and when they come up try to understand each other and let it go.  Please remember that negative sentiment override is powerful. It charges situations as negative that are neutral or positive. Check on how you code things. Is it worth the fight? Is there a nicer way to say something? Is there a gentler way? Are you responding to the situation in front of you or to old stories? Notice your triggers. 

When you fall into the same old pattern, notice it and point it out to the other person. Be on the same team rather than enemies.

Most important is making time together. Without the time together, you don’t have the positive experiences to build upon and to outweigh the negative. Without positive moments, you don’t have the time to build trust and intimacy.

Start Here:

This questionnaire is designed for you to understand what issues you are bringing from your childhood and relationship history to your current partnership.

This is a worksheet to help understand the dynamic of what is going on in the relationship: When We’re Not Getting Along.

More self-reflection questions about your triggers: EFT Self-Reflection Cycle Questionaire.

A classic guide from the Gottman’s: How to be a Great Listener.

And Avoid The Four Horsemen.

Are you looking for help with your relationship? Do you feel that a relationship coach could help you working on your couples skills? Is communication an issue? Have you ever considered couples therapy or counseling? As a psychotherapist and relationship coach, I am uniquely positioned to help you through these moments of disconnect and conflict.


Learn more about my approach to life consulting and relationship coaching here or get in touch for your free 30-minute consultation here! Don’t forget to follow along @LilyManne on social for more regular updates!


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