I offer a free half hour consultation to establish what your expectations and goals for our work together are. We will use this time to feel each other out and determine if we are a good fit. From there we will discuss your current situation, what you want to change, obstacles and strengths. Once I have completed my assessment, we will discuss which goals are most important to you. And prioritize our work together based on your needs.

Reach out for your free 30 minute consultation today! 

As we move forward together, we will talk via video, phone, or in person for 50 or 80 minutes on a weekly basis.  You will also receive email support outside of scheduled sessions, "homework" assignments, and additional resources. I only work with a limited number of clients so that I can remain available, flexible, and attuned. I also offer multi-month packages, so that you have time to focus on long-term change.

  • I will hold you accountable and committed to your goals.

  • You must be motivated  to make changes, which means getting outside of your comfort zone and taking action.

  • You must be open to receiving reflective and constructive feedback. Sometimes this means letting go of what you think you know and opening your mind to transformation.

  • You must be ready to leave behind ineffective strategies and unhelpful routines.

  • You will make our work together a priority by showing up for appointments, completing assignments and implementing new skills.

Global therapist’s garden, a place of possibilities and openness to authentic growth and change


50 minute session $150 (individuals)

80 minute session $225 (couples)

You can pay by the session and make appointments as needed or come on a regular schedule.  I want to support you in having the best life possible. I do suggest making a one-month commitment to make real progress and allow my expertise to serve you!



Because each person has different issues and goals, sessions will be different depending on the individual. In general, you can expect to discuss the current events happening in your life, your personal history relevant to your issue, and report progress (or any new insights gained) from the previous session. Worksheets and mindfulness activities may be introduced if relevant. Exploring your feelings is a big part of our work. We will also discuss/brainstorm concrete strategies to resolve issues.

Depending on your specific needs, our work together can be short-term, for a specific issue, or longer-term, to deal with more difficult patterns or your desire for more personal development. It is most common to schedule regular weekly sessions in the beginning and many clients choose to move into a bi-weekly or monthly schedule as they progress. It is important to understand that you will get the best results from our work together if you actively participate in the process. The ultimate purpose of our work is to help you bring what you learn in session back into your life.

For more information about sessions with me, check out this blog.




Life Consulting is a mixture of psychotherapy’s unraveling of old patterns with the concrete and change-directed style of coaching plus the supportive mentorship element of consulting.  It is a personal relationship grounded in connection and trust.

I support you with practical everyday strategies that can minimize conflict in your everyday life. 

I brainstorm with you as a partner and expert to arrive at the best solutions for you. 

I encourage you to open up to more opportunities for profound connection and growth. I create a trust-filled environment where being vulnerable is more than okay… and this space becomes a launchpad for your life. 

The security and support in our relationship give you a chance to peel back the layers of yourself. You begin to gain greater relational self-awareness, clarity with yourself and become more authentic in your world.


Life Consulting Package $550

  • Monthly pre-paid package designed for Individuals

  • Full  assessment to identify needs, goals, problem areas and personal strengths 

  • 4 intensive one-on-one 50 minute sessions per month

  • Customized consulting plan based on your needs, goals and current situation

  • Materials and resources to support your transformation

  • Weekly homework assignments to practice your new skill-set, deepen understanding and develop new habits

  • Choice of video conference or phone sessions

  • Email support between sessions

Purple flowers representing the transformation and harmony possible with authenticity life consulting by global therapist

Relationship Coaching Package $1300

  • 6 week pre-paid package designed for couples

  • Assessment to identify needs, goals, problem areas and personal strengths

  • Two 80-minute assessment sessions: Day 1-- couple history and conflict assessment, Day 2 individual interviews with each member of the couple (45 minutes each) 

  • Four 80-minute couples sessions (one per week)

  • Customized plan based on your needs, goals and current situation

  • Weekly homework to practice your new skill-set, deepen understanding and develop new habits

  • Materials and resources to support your transformation

Couples therapy by EFT and Gottman trained global therkapist serving expats worldwide. 2 dogs symbolic of couple

Relationship Coaching Package $2000

  • 9 week pre-paid package designed for couples

  • Full assessment to identify needs, goals, problem areas and personal strengths. (You will need to spend about 2 hours each filling out the online in-depth Gottman Love Lab Relationship Survey. With these surveys it is much easier to pinpoint where we need to work). 

  • Three 90-minute assessment sessions: Day 1-- couple history and conflict assessment, Day 2– individual interviews with each member of the couple (45 minutes each) and Day 3– a review of the couple’s assessments and treatment planning

  • Six 80-minute sessions (one per week)

  • Customized plan based on your needs, goals and current situation

  • Weekly homework to practice your new skill-set, deepen understanding and develop new habits

  • Materials and resources to support your transformation

  • Email support between sessions

Relationship Coaching Package $4000

  • 20 week pre-paid package designed for couples

  • Full assessment to identify needs, goals, problem areas and personal strengths. (You will need to spend about 2 hours each filling out the online in-depth Gottman Love Lab Relationship Survey. With these surveys it is much easier to pinpoint where we need to work). 

  • Four 90-minute assessment sessions: Session 1-- couple history and conflict assessment, Session 2 & 3 – individual interviews with each member of the couple and Session 4 – a review of the couple’s assessments and treatment planning

  • Sixteen 80-minute sessions (one per week)

  • Customized plan based on your needs, goals and current situation

  • Weekly homework to practice your new skill-set, deepen understanding and develop new habits

  • Materials and resources to support your transformation

  • Email or WhatsApp support between sessions



Research shows that, for couples, having someone there to act as a mediator and witness to their issues - whether this is a therapist, coach or family member - is hugely important, since it allows for new and better understanding of dynamics and communication, since there is now a third person who is outside of the conversation and can give feedback and input. I am a process consultant: I observe the way you communicate, the underlying messages being sent, and the subtext of emotion that may need to be highlighted and addressed.

Relationship Coaching is not only about your relationships in the outer world but your relationship with yourself and the internalized patterns of relating that you keep re-living. To change the pattern of relating with your partner, you will first reconnect with each other in a deep way.

I will begin our work by bringing you back to that commitment: I focus on connection first and communication second.

For many couples, the isolation of disconnect is heart-wrenching. By reconnecting you and grounding you in your care for your partner, we soften you up for vulnerability. By appreciating each other and expressing care, we create the space for working on communication patterns, giving each other what you desperately want from one another, and balancing your busy lives with your relationship.

There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship because there’s no such thing as a flawless person. Whether the crisis of the day is minor or serious,  the problems underlying conflict are often the same. They are rooted in trust and communication issues because people haven’t been trained in communication or vulnerability, and they can’t read each other’s minds. 

The root cause of conflict is often an inability to adequately express differences, feelings, and needs.  We must learn how to express ourselves clearly, appreciate the positives, and see what is an actual issue versus a projection from our childhood patterns. 

Here are a few ways that I can work with you and your partner:

* Assist you and your partner with communicating through conflicts by digging deeper into the core emotions

* Support you and your partner in reaching a compromise on specific issues and understanding perpetual issues

* Give feedback on your methods of communication

* Help you identify underlying unhealthy patterns of relating to each other

* Provide validation to both of your realities

* Guide you and your partner through steps for healing from relationship injuries

* Teach you and your partner to take breaks during conflict

* Teach you and your partner healthy tools for conflict and communication

* Support you and your partner in processing hard issues together

* Guide you and your partner in developing your underlying friendship and joy together

* Guide you and your partner in learning to build the everyday connection
