Anxiety and The Worst Case Scenario Trick

How often do you dread something or anticipate the consequences of a certain situation and feel paralyzed? You get into limbo: self-created limbo. A state that feels like there is no action to take because there is something big coming. (Like an approaching tornado and you don’t have a shelter). The word or idea becomes so enormous and intimidating that we choose to do nothing. We become trapped by our concept or label and decide not to peek below the surface and deal with it. 

It is time to look at the labels we use and how they can make us feel like there is no active antidote. 

Consider my client’s worry about exhaustion. He would worry before going on trips that he would feel exhausted by the journey when coming home. The idea of exhaustion felt huge. It was paralyzing. This was a concept that stopped him from looking at all the pieces that he could actually solve. He would instead do nothing before the trip, then upon arriving home he would feel overwhelmed, exhausted, inactive, futile, unproductive, and take longer to acclimate. 

Instead of continuing the pattern, we looked at uncovering what the word actually meant: we redefined exhaustion to mean that he was worried about a bunch of logistical issues (having a clean house, having food to eat, a build-up of work, being able to transition back to work), physical and mental tiredness, and being emotionally exhausted. Once we labeled what he was worried about, it was much easier to attend to each of his fears with a concrete plan. He felt better about himself because he transformed from an inactive/passive player to someone who could initiate the action and take control of the situation. (Often the change from a passive to an active role is huge in affecting one’s self-esteem).

The first action is to challenge the label and redefine the meaning of the word. Once you uncover the label, you can do something. 

Here is an example of a blueprint or antidote for how to handle Anticipating Exhaustion:

1) Reframe the word exhaustion for its real meaning in context. 

2) Be proactive before you go. (leave the house clean, get extra work finished before you leave, and buy food before you go, so you arrive home with a stocked fridge). 

3) Do the worst-case scenario trick. 

What is the “worst case scenario trick?”

We often have anxiety around a concept and just hold up the label and think “I can’t do that.” Our fear around the label stops being grounded in the actual thing. It takes on a life of its own. Often if we go straight into the issue we were initially afraid of, we can break it down into parts and it feels more manageable. 

Go through the what if’s… What is the worst that can happen?  What is my fear grounded in? Is my fear related to an actual danger? Is it related to an old pattern?

Considering your fear, what is the right action to take? What is the fear related to? Is it related to your actions? Your identity? An idea about other people? Write about the feeling.  This will be a process of trial and error to figure out how to get deep with your underlying fear. 

4) Problem solve the worst-case scenario. How can you solve the problem? Is the situation paralyzing? Are there practical solutions? Are there solutions related to your ideals and expectations? Is there action to be taken?

How can you use this blueprint when you feel anxious? Can you adapt it for your needs?

worst case scenario… not that bad after all!

Are you interested in working on your personal development? Are you looking for a life coach or a life consultant? Are you feeling stagnant? Do you want to jumpstart change?

 My transformational approach is a process where awareness, alignment, and action work together as catalysts to create momentum for change. 

*Awareness is knowing what you genuinely want and need.

*Alignment is the symmetry between our values and our actions. It means our inner and outer worlds match.

*Action is when you are conscious that what you say, do and think are in harmony with your values.

Together we build an understanding of what you want to accomplish, and delve deeply into building awareness around any thoughts and assumptions that you may already have. To truly transform your life, I will empower you to rethink what’s possible for you.


Learn more about my approach to life consulting and relationship coaching here or get in touch for your free 30-minute consultation here! Don’t forget to follow along @LilyManne on social for more regular updates!


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